Dental Implants and How to Place Them
Dental implants are a permanent restoration for your smile; the implant makes them permanent and secure. We recommend dental implants to maintain the health of your jaw bone and surrounding tissues where your tooth was lost. When we chew, our roots stimulate the bone to keep it healthy; without stimulation, your bone and tissues can deteriorate. Not only is an implant an excellent cosmetic option to improve your smile, but it also keeps your mouth healthy and strong.
Generally, a dental implant is made of two main parts, the implant itself and the tooth restoration that will be securely attached, giving you a new tooth.
The implant is a small titanium post that we surgically place into the area of the jaw bone where the tooth is missing. This tiny post will act as your new tooth’s tooth root, providing stability. The tissue in your mouth will heal around the post, securing it in place.
We will complete the different parts of a dental implant separately as your mouth needs time to heal between the different appliances. Careful implant placement by an experienced professional such as Dr. Danika Crabtree is important.
We can use implants to support many dental restorations along with a single tooth, such as a dental bridge or dentures.